The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India have made regulations called “Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling) Regulations”Food Safety Services offers its expertise and introduces to you the Basic & Extended format of FSSAI Label Validation and how a manufacturer can ensure compliance with this Regulation.

FSSAI Label Validation is Essential For


FSSAI Label Validation is a mandatory requirement for all the importers.
  • It is important to follow the standards to avoid rejection
  • Get expertise knowledge
  • Understand nature of food in different regions

Food Manufacturers

Label validation communicates the message of product from manufacturer to consumer.
  • It maintains transparency between Vendors and Consumers
  • Simplifies the message for consumers
  • A standard format maintains uniformity

Brand Owners

FSSAI Label Validation improves and sustains brand image of brand owners.
  • Logo defines the brand
  • The Label validation displays right nutrients
  • Create an image for the packaged food

Misconception & Problems

It is often misconceived by Manufacturers that food which is exported do not require FSSAI Label Validation.

The Fact

Comparing items using the food label can help us choose the best value for our health .

Results & Solutions

FSSAI Label Validation can motivate industry to develop more healthful products and use their potential health effects as a competitive factor, alongside price, taste, and the convenience of packaging.